Trail Fund NZ “Winter” Grants

TrailFundMaintenaceInProgressApplications for our Trail Fund NZ “Winter” grants round are open for another two weeks, until 5pm on Saturday the 27th of July. This round we are looking for another 6 projects we can fund up to $500 each. You can read all about our funding criteria and download a copy of our application form here. Grants can be used for a range of items including:

  • Wayfinding e.g. trail signage, mapboards, mapping projects, etc.
  • Materials e.g. retaining materials, bridging materials, concrete, geomatting, gravel, etc.
  • Tools e.g. spades, rakes, grubbers, wheelbarrows, etc.
  • Safety equipment e.g. eye protection, gloves, ear protection, etc.
  • Costs associated with applying for resource or building consents.
  • Equipment hire e.g. compactors, power barrows, etc.
  • Conservation e.g. the purchase of plants for planting in direct proximity to the trail.
  • Education e.g. contributions towards workshops or conferences including travel costs for out of town expert speakers.

Getting $$ out to volunteer trail projects so we can get more trails built (or upgraded etc.) around the country is a big part of what we do at Trail Fund NZ and for that to happen you all need to put in great applications. In our first round we funded projects in Canterbury, Nelson, Wellington, Manawatu-Wanganui and the Waikato.

Remember too that we will fund dirt jumps, skills areas, pump tracks, XC single track, DH or Freeride trails etc. We want to help create riding opportunities that appeal to a wide range of different user groups so if you have ideas or questions get in contact via email at